American Duchess Historic Shoes Blog
The Eternal Sunshine of the 18th Century Gown
This year at Costume College it really was all very, very yellow This year I kindof copped out at the Costume College Gala...but in a very Georgian way. I can't...
2017 - Costuming Year in Review
Jane Austen Festival, 2017. Photo by Tony Tumbusch. It's that time - that year-end-year-beginning-blog-post time. This year I feel I was a terrible blogger. One of the side effects of...
{Video} Wherein Lauren & Abby Get Racked
...or Racked gets Lauren'd & Abby'd. ;-) In early December, Abby and I took our annual trip to New York City to do *all the things.* One of the things...
The Robe a la Turque - Part 4 - The Kurdi Polonaise
The last major piece of my take on Guimard's 1790 Turkish stage costume was the fabulous fur-trimmed blue robe. I pondered over this piece for a long time, trying to...
The Robe a la Turque - Part 3 - Shalwar Puffy Pants
Before I forget about all the trials and tribulations (and sometimes fun) I had making my Turkish costume for Costume College 2017, I better tell you about one of the...
The Robe a la Turque - Part 2 - The Gown
Italian Gown in yellow silk taffeta worn with a ruffled voile apron and cap, and fashionable black silk hat with black "Dunmore" shoes. Mid-1780s. One thing I love most in...
The Robe a la Turque, part 1
Mademoiselle Guimard in Turkish Dress by Greuze, 1790 - LACMA (detail) Who doesn't love the feeling of completing a project you've been obsessing about for *years* and getting to wear...
Trends - Late 18th Century Flippy-Flappies
The Met - Robe a l'Anglaise - 1785-87 When we start out in costuming for a particular era, we think in centuries - the 18th century, the 19th century -...
The Robe a la Turque - Progress!
Hi, it's Lauren... I promise, I HAVE been sewing. Promise! It's just been sllooowwwwwww. It's time to light a fire under my split bum, though - Costume College is in...
Pieces of Me - Remaking an 18th Century Gown
Sacque gown, partially deconstructed, 1765-69 - National Trust NT 1350856 It's commonly known that 18th century dress textiles were made and remade and remade again. A great many extant gowns...
The Return of Mademoiselle Guimard
This time last year I was excited about a project I never completed. Let's rather say I just haven't completed it yet. But I haven't forgotten, or gotten over my...
Mademoiselle Guimard in Turkish...or Chinese...Costume
In my journey concerning The Turque thus far, I've learned that contemporary French terminology surrounding this type of gown, and other orientalist gowns, is fuzzy. Levites, Circassiennes, Polonaises, Turques...they kindof...