A few nights ago I dressed my hair into a simple 1770s pouf style, for modeling at the Nevada Museum of Art. I did this style using one hair piece and one rat, and while I already, like our Georgian counterparts, want to go higher and higher, this is a good place to start if you are new to vertical hair dressing.

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Click "Read More" for the tutorial...

Here are my two additions:
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This is a fall made by Scunci, available at Walgreens or CVS stores, or online. I removed it from the clip it came with, to make a flat pad to then pin to the head.
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A hair rat - clippings from old hair pieces, tied into a hair net, to make a little pouch. This can be as big or small as you like.

You will also need:
  • Bobby Pins (lots)
  • Hair Spray
  • A Teasing Comb or Brush
And you may want to get jiggy with:
  • Ostrich Feathers
  • Lacy things/caps/bows
  • Jewels
  • Silk or Paper Flowers

Ready? Here we go...
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Some helpful narration...

1. Comb the front part of your hair forward, and pin the back up off the neck.
2. Pin your rat at the crown, where you hair is parted and combed forward.
3. Place the hair piece atop the rat, pin in place, and section into two sides and a back.
4. Divide the back into sections (as many as you like), and roll into various curls, high on the head. Pin. Leave a tendril hanging down.
5. With the side pieces, roll or curl into your desired shapes and pin - these could be rolls at the side of the head, or on the top.
6. Now tease the front of your hair until it is standing up vertically. Spray.
7. With your teasing brush, gently smooth your teased hair back over the rat and hair piece, to form the poof. Spray. Spray more. Pin in place and spray.

That's it! Decorate your pouf with whatever you fancy - ostrich feathers are always pretty. I added a lace ornament and some silk flowers here and there. A pretty comb or sparkly clips would be lovely, or a string of pearls draped over the pouf. Have fun!
American Duchess