American Duchess Historic Shoes Blog
Storyville portrait, New Orleans, c. 1912. Portrait by E. J. Bellocq.
Who doesn't love a good striped stocking?

The Georgians, Victorians, and Edwardians sure did! Striped stockings of various colors - some loud, some more demure - have been in fashion for several hundred years now, right up until today. Why are we so draw to wearing striped hosiery?

American Duchess Historic Shoes Blog
Stockings, The Met, late 19th century. Cotton. C.I.56.10.5a,b
American Duchess Historic Shoes Blog
Stockings, The Met, late 18th c - early 19th c. C.I.44.8.13a,b
American Duchess Historic Shoes Blog
Stockings, The Met, 19th century, silk. C.I.54.7.7a,b
We're thrilled to announce the first addition of striped cotton OTK (over-the-knee) socks into our Accessories shop. These super-stretchy, heavy-ish stockings feature bright colors in ribbed knit.

American Duchess Historic Shoes Blog
Stockings, OTK, cotton - green and black rib knit.

American Duchess Historic Shoes Blog
Stockings, OTK, cotton, yellow and black rib knit
You can wear these vertical-striped stockings for so many things. They'll work for late 18th century and late 19th century, particularly the 1890s, when all manner of brightly-colored, wackadoodle legwear was en vogue.

Also wear these stockings for Harry Potter cosplay, Halloween, or just because they're freakin' awesome. Check them out:

American Duchess Historic Shoes Blog
Click me like one of your French girls, Just kidding - striped stockings aren't just for Edwardian prostitutes, promise.

American Duchess Historic Shoes Blog
Hufflepuff stockings, or bumblebee stockings, or Victorian stockings because they totally wore these crazy things under their prim dresses.

The End. <3
American Duchess