American Duchess Historic Shoes BlogI've been looking for patterns for the entire World of Warcraft 18th c. men's ensemble, but with very little luck. The costume is built on a basic men's mid-18th c. wardrobe - shirt, breeches, waistcoat, jacket - but I am having quite a lot of trouble finding all-inclusive patterns.

The catch here is that I only have $75 to spend on everything! This means I either find an all-inclusive pattern, or I draft each piece of this and hope it all comes out alright.

Men's 18th c. Wardrobe Patterns:
American Duchess Historic Shoes BlogSimplicity - I am really leaning towards this one. Why? Because it has each piece of the puzzle, and to my eyeballs it looks shockingly accurate. With some alterations and additions, this could very easily become something awesome. Historical accuracy is always on my mind, but I do not feel that this particular costume needs to be 100% correct.

American Duchess Historic Shoes BlogButterick - I'm less convinced with this all-inclusive pattern. It looks too costumey, and the back views are not right at all. That being said, it might be easier to add in the swinging pleats to this coat than to the Simplicity one...

Tailor's Patterns and Generally Terrifying Diagrams:

American Duchess Historic Shoes Blog
American Duchess Historic Shoes BlogAmerican Duchess Historic Shoes BlogAmerican Duchess Historic Shoes BlogAmerican Duchess Historic Shoes Blog
A series of images found throughout the webiverse, mostly on The Costumer's Manifesto, of cutting diagrams. I could scale and pattern from these, at least the coat or the waistcoat, but then I think of the time involved, the time left before deadline, and all the other things I need to do. I could use these diagrams as reference for altering the commercial patterns, which may indeed be the way to go. Some of these images look rather simple, while others look...not simple.

Opinions, suggestions, warning? Has anybody worked with the commercial patterns?
American Duchess
Tagged: Research