American Duchess Historic Shoes Blog

I was very lucky to be invited to model my latest 18th c. outfit for a painting and drawing class at the Nevada Museum of Art, thanks to Lady Carolyn, who recommended me to the instructor. I put together the casaquin and walking skirt with my Fugawee shoes, hedgehog wig, and a ribbon at the neck (which somehow seems to top the whole thing off).

It was quite an experience! We did one 3-hour pose, with short breaks every 25 minutes, and I learned that it is a bad idea to take a pose where any appendage is likely to lose blood and fall asleep. Tingly fingers, but it looked nice, right?

I was really amazed with the paintings and drawings. I couldn't believe what the artists accomplished in only 3 hours! Here are some photos from the night:

American Duchess Historic Shoes Blog

American Duchess Historic Shoes Blog

American Duchess Historic Shoes Blog

American Duchess Historic Shoes Blog

American Duchess Historic Shoes Blog
American Duchess