It's Sunday. I was meant to do a 1940s photo shoot today, but it's raining. Yup, rain in the desert. It rains 10 days a year here, and I manage to schedule photo shoots on all of them.

So the photo shoot is delayed, but that just gives me more time to play with 1940s hair ideas. Here's what I've been pinning...

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American Duchess Historic Shoes Blog
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My model, like me, has very fine hair. The challenge will be to get the fluff and volume that 1940s styles demand without wet setting her hair (time unfortunately does not allow) - the work will have to be done with heat, which is always a risk with fine hair, and effects the final look of the style too. Therefore I'm leaning towards an updo with smooth rolls rather than a fluffy, girlish style.

American Duchess Historic Shoes Blog
American Duchess Historic Shoes Blog
Rosalind Russel in a "happy pompadour." This is an easy style to do and we can put the back fluff up in a french twist. via
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Off-center victory rolls and a smooth roll in the back, looks like. This is a good style for the type of hat I have, too. via
American Duchess Historic Shoes Blog
My plan is to get as much curl into the model's hair as I can with a curling iron, then tease and smooth. I have a nifty little hat to cover the back of the head, so most of the styling will be in the front of the hair, which holds plenty of possibilities with victory rolls and pompadour options.

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Wish me luck!

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